One of the areas I specialize in is first responder’s mental health. This includes law enforcement mental health. I was honored to be included in an event in Newton, NJ sponsored by The Blue Magazine. Although the event was as much fun and a social event as anything, it was also an opportunity for those in the law enforcement community to talk about the realities in law enforcement, especially suicide among law enforcement personnel.
First Responders Matter
Not only to the communities they serve but also to their families. Not all spouses or parents understand the stress that their loved ones will face day in and day out on the job. They may understand the physical risks, but not always the mental ones. PTSD, shock and mental trauma are what lead to the high rates of depression, suicide and substance abuse. Law enforcement mental health is significantly lower than that of many other first responders as they often leave a call thinking, “what if I’d gotten there a moment earlier” or “what if I had said something different.”
I Don’t Believe You Need to Be a Statistic
Because police officers and firefighters are more likely to die by suicide than in the line of duty, I see the need to help these important members of our community. That’s why I obtained specialized training to become a certified first responder counselor. I practice many different techniques, including EMDR therapy, to help you heal from your trauma and thrive, not only professionally, but in your personal life as well.
If you’re suffering from trauma, grief, depression, or even burnout, call me. I want to help you. Together we’ll work to overcome your issues and I can help you learn healthy coping mechanisms both on the job and in your daily life. As a first responder counselor, I know that there are many who want to help first responders mental health. The team at The Blue Magazine also supports this effort, and I am grateful for their dedication to mental health awareness for all of those who serve, not only in New Jersey but throughout the country. If you are in New Jersey and looking for a first responder counselor, call me at (908) 292-8017 to schedule an appointment either in person or virtually.